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Activity title

Unified Tactical Missile Kinetic Performance Model

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3DoF, 6DoF, gelled rocket, generic design, hybrid rocket, liquidsolid fuel ramjet, Missile propulsion, Monte Carlo capability, ramjetramrocket, rocket engine propellants, solid rocket dualmultipulse, turbojets engine performance model


Studies for new missile systems are typically based on models of limited complexity, reflecting state of the art for the missile propulsion. Investigation agencies of future Alliance Needs like the NATO STO have only a limited model base or no own common analysis tool. A unified and commonly accepted model would be a valuable tool for consistent tactical studies within NATO and for the generation of realistic requirements for propulsion in a later development phase. The activity AVT-236 started with a first harmonized propulsion model with five different engine types and a simplified user interface. The workshop series AVT-321 increased user awareness and user adoption of the new propulsion model developed under AVT-236. Some common missile propulsion types are missing in the current code version like turbojets and air turbo rockets. Moreover, the current code status does not cover the controllability capabilities of future tactical missile candidates like a gelled propelled or hybrid rocket which is important to show the cruise capabilities of such an engine type. Additionally, liquid engines and liquid fuel ramjets are missing in the current version. The focus of the further code development is on the propulsion part to increase their fidelity and depth. A unified model to assess performance of different options for tactical missile propulsion implemented in the NATO community would contribute to the subject of standardization. Also the activity contributes to ACT’s S&T studies and workshops on Hypersonic Interceptors and Targets. To achieve these benefits, it is paramount to ensure wide promulgation and utilization of the code generated by AVT-236 in the NATO user community. Since the model was developed as a NATO S&T activity, with models contributed by 7 organizations from 5 different nations, this program can be distributed to all interested NATO-affiliated users. As the user base increases, this code can serve as a common reference model for sharing information without revealing the workings of proprietary models. A first step is done by the usage of the code output as reference for solid rocket performance calculation in a paper for the EMIMT Symposium.


The first step is to collect and Record the user feedback and user inquiries and problems from the AVT-321 Technical Course. The new code will include the following new or updated propulsion modules: - Solid rocket (dual-/multi-pulse) - Controllable Gelled propellant and Hybrid rockets - Liquid Fuel Ramjet - Turbojet and Air Turbo Rockets The focus of the proposed activity is on the propulsion section. Additionally, an expert’s mode with more adaptable parameters and interface to other used codes was recommended from the Technical Courses. A Monte Carlo analysis tool will be part of the model to prepare simplified sensitivity studies. The code and models shall be validated with test cases with interaction to NMSG.


This is described in the Scientific Objectives

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